L.I.F.E. Seeds, Inc.

Industrial Hygienists and Environmental Consultants

L.I.F.E. Seeds’ mission is to provide high quality environmental consulting services; to provide support services that protect the environment and the health & safety of workers, customers, and the world. 

L.I.F.E. Seeds provides an array of environmental consulting services.  Key areas of expertise are provided by Edmond R. VandenBosche, CIH with over 25 years’ experience with Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments and by Eric Kass with over 5 years of experience with hazardous waste.

L.I.F.E. Seeds provides a wide variety of industrial hygiene consulting services under the direction of a Certified Industrial Hygienist (certified by American Board of Industrial Hygiene).  L.I.F.E. Seeds stands out by providing well developed sampling and testing plans and carefully written, easy to read and interpret reports, plans, and specifications.


Diana Kerns, President

~ email Diana


Edmond R. Vandenbosche, CIH, VP

~ email Ed

CLICK HERE to view Edmond's Resumé